"As always, you come through with flying colors, Stacey."— Editor for freelance work
"Stacey, thank you so much for organizing this and doing so much work behind the scenes to make everything so effortless."— Panelist from event
"I appreciate how you so often think of others and think in terms of the good of the group and not just in terms of individual gain ... I am thankful how you've spread that attitude (to others)."— Editor and former direct manager
"Thanks again for the work. It was terrific."— Editor and first-time client
"Always lovely to work with you."— Editor from trade outlet
"The story (You wrote) made me well up multiple times. What a pitch-perfect — pitch-perfect — tribute ..."— Editor's manager
"(The article is) fantastic!!! Thank you so much for your time and your care. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate what you did."— Story source
"Loved your work. I think you nailed it. Thank you for spending so much time with me and my colleagues to get this right."— Story source
"Stacey provides consistent quality and dependability."— Former manager
"You've been such a huge help, and you obviously have such incredible experience that's been valuable."— Internship manager
"The stories are well-written, as I expected, and have your usual nice features touch."— Editor for magazine freelance work
"You've got solid news judgement ... Social media posts are much more engaging than they have been in the past."— Editor and former direct manager
"(the article is) FANTASTIC! Love the headline!! You knocked this one out of the park!!"— Story client
"THANKS for the coverage ... you are on my list! The good list!"— Story source
"Well done, stacey! Love working with you."— Client manager
"What TERRIFIC storytelling."— PR agency working with story sources
"Your writing is killer ..."— Internship manager
"the ... story is fantastic! It flows so well! really great work here. Thank you! ... seriously, I really like the way you intertwined (the two sources) stories. masterful."— Manager